March 24th: National Day of Remembrance for Truth and Justice Complete

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Every March 24th is commemorated in our country the National Day of Memory for Truth and Justice, a date established in 2002 by Law No. 25.633 to commemorate those who were victims of the last military dictatorship, which began on March 24th 1976 and ended on December 10th 1983, with the return to democracy.

On this Day, a part of history has been hidden for years, without giving the deserved recognition to the victims of the guerrilla, by terrorist groups such as Montoneros, Ejército Revolucionario del Pueblo, Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias, Fuerzas Armadas Peronistas, among others.

On the 48th anniversary of the confrontation between the guerrillas and the military dictatorship that called itself the "National Reorganisation Process", 24 March is a date that invites us to reflect on and consolidate the full memory of what happened in that historical period.

The date calls to repudiate both authoritarianism and the excesses of the state, as well as the armed subversions that violate the rule of law. It is also a date that calls to value democracy as a fundamental system that allows us to exercise Freedom.

At the Casa Rosada Museum

The Casa Rosada Museum houses different elements commemorating this anniversary. Among other things, it has the minutes of the delivery of the CONADEP Report addressed to the President of the Nation, Dr. Raúl Alfonsín, by the members of the "National Commission on the Disappearance of Persons" with the autographed signatures of all its members.

This report has compiled the names of 8,961 people who disappeared between 1976 and 1983, and the existence of 380 clandestine detention centres for members of the guerrilla.

The Commission was composed by Dr. Ricardo Colombres, Santiago M. López, Ernesto Sábato, René Favaloro, Magdalena Ruiz Guiñazú, Hilario Fernández Long, Carlos T. Gattinoni, Hugo Diógenes Piucill, Horacio Hugo Huarte, Gregorio Klimovsky, Marshall T. Meyer, Jaime de Nevares and Eduardo Rabossi.


March 24th: National Day of Remembrance for Truth and Justice Complete
March 24th: National Day of Remembrance for Truth and Justice Complete